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Crack Treatment


                         Concrete structures will show the degree of deterioration in the form of cracking, spalling and disintegration. Each one of these is clearly distinguishable. The reasons for their development may be poor materials, poor design poor construction practice, poor supervision or a combination. Crack formation in concrete is most interesting because sometimes the same causes produce a different cracking pattern, and sometimes the same cracking pattern is produced by different causes. Sometimes concrete cracks in a location where no cause can be found out, and in other places it does not crack where there is every reason for cracks to occur. However, fifty percent of the cases are straight forward.

Cracks in themselves are seldom indicative of structural danger; accordingly, repair usually does not involve strengthening. So their repairs are basically intended to seal the cracks against an objectionable flow of water or to improve the appearance of the construction. In the repair of a structure showing spalling and disintegration, it is usual to find that there have been substantial losses of section and/or pronounced corrosion of the reinforcement. Both are matters of concern from a structural viewpoint, and repair generally involves some urgency and some requirement for restoration of lost strength.

When concrete becomes older cracks become causes of leakages and seepages and give entree to the moisture, oxygen, chloride, carbon dioxide etc. and other aggressive chemicals and gases into the concrete causing serious degradation of the structure and causing corrosion of steel and damage in the concrete and at a same time causing structural failure of the member. Cracking are early indications of failure of structure. Lightweight concrete shrinks more. It is vital to note that concrete does crack and this is usual. What is not normal is too much of cracks.
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